
Veterans Information

Local Veterans Organizations

All Veterans Council of Tom Green County
c/o Texas Veteran Leadership Program
202 Henry O. Flipper St
San Angelo, TX 76903
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 5:30pm, VFW 125 S Browning St
Chairman: Luis Martinez III
(325) 513-3387
Secretary: Kathy Fiscus
(325) 703-2410
Texas Veteran Leadership Program
Veteran Resource and Referral Specialist
202 Henry O. Flipper St
San Angelo, TX 76903
VRRS: Luis Martinez III
(325) 513-3387
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Military Veteran Peer Network
MVPN: Richard Rodriguez
(325) 812-5241
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm

Military Family Support Liaison
202 Henry O. Flipper St
San Angelo, TX 76903
MFSL: Tricille Otineru
(325) 703-2445
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm

Tom Green County Veterans Service Officer
36 E Twohig Ave, Ste. 103
San Angelo, TX 76903
VCSO: Troy Crosby
VCSO:  Rana Krussow
(325) 277-2956
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Texas Veterans Commission

Veteran Career Advisor
202 Henry O. Flipper St
San Angelo, TX 76903
VCA: Kimberly Garza
(325) 304-2128
Zachary Peterson - Rural Veterans Career Advisor
(325) 653-2321

Disabled American Veterans, Col Michael Rader Chapter 237

PO Box 487
San Angelo, TX 76902
Meetings: 3rd Saturday, 11:30am, VFW, 125 S Browning St
Commander: Luis Martinez III
(325) 513-3387
Vice Commander: Troy Crosby
(325) 277-2956

WoVeN San Angelo

Women Veterans Network
Peer Leader/National Trainer: Leandra Hernandez

Women Veteran Society

Commander: Leandra Hernandez

Air Force Sergeants Association, Chapter 1066
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday, 11:00 AM, Goodfellow Event Center
President: SSgt Eric Reynolds
(325) 654-5797/654-5051

American Ex-Prisoners of War, Concho Valley Chapter
c/o Stella Webb
218 C.R. 459
Ballinger TX 76821
Meetings: call for info
Commander: Charles Webb, 365-5306
Service Officer: Fred Campbell, 944-4002

American Legion, Smith-Bryant Post 572
P.O. Box 704
San Angelo TX 76902
Meetings: 3rd Saturday. 10:00am, Elks Lodge, 2121 S. Chadbourne
Commander: Kristie Young
Adjutant: Carl Frentz
(325) 617-2572

Fleet Reserve Association, Branch 295
c/o Terry Cook
3002 Canyon Creek Dr
San Angelo TX 76904
Meetings: 3rd Saturday, 11:00am, Elks Lodge, 2121 S. Chadbourne
President: Jim Stansbury
Secretary: Terry Cook
(325) 942-8036

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fort Concho Post 1815
P.O. Box 490
San Angelo TX 76902
Meetings: 3rd Saturday, 10:00am, VFW, 125 S Browning St
Commander: John Wojtkun
(325) 655-6550

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 457
P.O. Box 2812
San Angelo TX 76902
Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00am, 119 N. Chadbourne
President: Perry Stevens
(325) 944-8983
Combat Veterans Organization
Commander: Bill Pride
(325) 617-7199
Combat Vets Motorcycle Association, Chapter 23-12
Commander: Roberto Martinez
Freedom Through Vigilance Association, Heritage Chapter
President: JJ Graham
The EC-47 History Site
4213 Green Meadow Dr
San Angelo, TX 76904
President: Tom Nurre
(325) 450-4476
Team Red, White, and Blue, San Angelo
President: Allyson Roebuck
Goodfellow AFB Spouses Club
PO Box 44199
Goodfellow AFB TX 76908
President: Jessica Edwards

San Angelo VA Clinic

4240 Southwest Blvd
San Angelo, TX 76904
(325) 658-6138

Concerned Veterans for America, San Angelo
215 S Koenigheim St
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 657-9342

Airman and Family Readiness Center
Building 145, Goodfellow AFB
(325) 654-3893

Concho Valley Women Veterans Association
Meeting at 119 N Chadbourne St 5:30-7p 12th of Month.

Civil Air Patrol, San Angelo Composite Squadron
San Angelo TX
Commander: Lt. Col. Dana Gray, 659-8207/234-1837
Public Affairs Officer: 1st Lt Emily Jungblut-Swinarski, emily.jungblut@gmail.com
Civil Air Patrol, Three Rivers Flight
Grape Creek TX
Contact: Capt Johanna Augustine, 245-8312

Freedom Through Vigilance Association, Heritage Chapter
President: J.J. Graham, 654-4738
Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:00 PM, location varies

Useful Links

Department of Veterans Affairs
Official VA Web site.  Information on VA heath and benefits programs, eligibility requirements, news and press releases, downloadable VA and related forms, locations of VA facilities and offices, links to other related Internet resources, and more.
The purpose of this Web page is to assist Texas veterans, their dependents and survivors, in contacting the regional office to inquire about their veterans benefits or health care services.
Information about the VAMC serving this area.

Accredited Online Schools and Universities
A comprehensive resource that provides Veterans with tons of information about using the money awarded to them by the GI Bill to help pursue a university education. It contains a database that allows our service men and women to search for Online Colleges.
Information on applying for the education benefit.
Information on the Texas state programs for veteran land and home purchases, including loans for home remodeling.  An alternative to the VA guaranteed home loan.
Information on VA programs as well as programs specific to Texas veterans.  Includes information on veterans service organizations and county offices.
Information on veterans resources available across the country.

Frequently Asked Questions

I just separated from the service and need to “register” as a veteran.
That could mean different things.  There is no process to “register” as a veteran – your DD214 or military separation document establishes your veteran status.  Veterans are encouraged to record their original DD214 at the County Clerk’s office where they reside. This will ensure that a certified copy is readily available when needed now or in the future.  Different VA benefits – health care, education, disability benefits, and various others – have different application forms and criteria.  It’s best to consult with your Veterans County Service Office for assistance.

I never had my DD214/separation document recorded.   Now I can’t find it/my ex-wife threw it out/it burned up in a fire/my dog ate it.  How can I get a copy?
You can request it by mail using a Standard Form 180 or online from the National Personnel Records Center at:

Where is the nearest VA Clinic/Hospital to San Angelo?

The VA has an Outpatient Clinic in San Angelo, located at 4240 Southwest Blvd., San Angelo, TX.  The phone number is (325) 658-6138.  The clinic offers Primary Care and Mental Health care, by appointment only.  You must be enrolled in the West Texas VA Healthcare System before you can get an appointment.  The San Angelo VA Clinic’s parent facility is the VA hospital at Big Spring, 87 miles north of San Angelo (phone 1-800-472-1365).  
For services that cannot be provided at Big Spring, you will be referred to the VA Medical Center at Albuquerque NM, another VA facility, or in certain cases, a private facility at VA expense.

How do I sign up for VA medical care?
You must complete an application, VA Form 10-10EZ and submit to the local VA Clinic located at 4240 Southwest Blvd., or you can apply online at www.va.gov.

Who do I contact to arrange for a military funeral, honor guard, etc.?
The funeral home is generally the point of contact for making these arrangements.  You will probably need a DD214 or similar proof of the veteran’s military service.

How do I apply for a VA home loan?

“VA loans” are not actually made by the VA.  They are made by private lenders such as banks, savings and loans associations, or mortgage companies.  The VA guarantees a portion of the amount you borrow, often allowing you to get better terms than a conventional loan.  To get a loan, you apply to the lender.  In many cases they can verify your eligibility through an automated system.  If not, it may be necessary to request a Certificate of Eligibility using a VA Form 26-1880.   Home loans are also available to Texas veterans (you must have been a Texas resident for at least one year) through the Texas Veterans Land Board. Check them out at www.texasveterans.com.